Professional experience:
1994 to present: The Romanian Academy – Legal Research Institute (Department of European Studies). Researcher in the field of law and legal studies (presently, Principal Associate Researcher, 3rd degree). Author or co-author of several research papers, studies and books published in Romanian and Foreign reviews (see in the Annex a selection of the most relevant ones)
February 2013 to present: Maitre de conference (1994-2000 – Assistant professor, 2000-2012 – Lecturer), teaching civil law and environmental law, Faculty of Law – “Titu Maiorescu” University of Bucharest and Faculty of Public Administration – National School of Political Sciences and Public Administration (SNSPA), Bucharest
May 2012 to present: Secretary of State (Vice-minister), Ministry of Justice of Romania, in charge with European and International affairs and programs
2005-2012, Counselor (assimilated to a magistrate) and Head of the International Programs Unit, Superior Council of Magistracy of Romania
2001-2005, Counselor of the minister, Director of European Affairs and Programs Directorate, Secretary of State (2002-2004), Ministry of Justice. SPO (Senior Project Officer) and Coordinator of all activities related to the implementation of PHARE programs for the Romanian judiciary (2002-2004, DSPO 2001-2002) and other bilateral programs; Member of the Romanian Delegation for EU accession negotiations on chapter 24-JHA. Member of the Inter-ministerial Group for drafting the Romania – EU Accession Treaty. Coordinator of the working-group for drafting chapter 24 – JHA negotiation documents. Coordinator of MoJ activity as member of the National Commission for Romania’s NATO Accession, especially in relation with chapter 1 – Socio-economical problems and Chapter 5 – Legislation. Participant in the dialogue on Romania’s NATO Accession Protocol and member of the working group for the elaboration of the relevant documents. Coordinator of the activity of the World Bank’s Project Management Unit within MoJ
1998-2001, Governmental expert, Department of European Integration of the Romanian Government and First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania -Directorate of European Affairs and Negotiations. – Desk-officer and expert of the working group for the elaboration of the negotiation papers on Chapter 9 – “Transports” and Chapter 14 – “Energy” as part of the EU-Romania accession negotiations. Member of the first Romanian Team for the EU Accession’ Negotiations (the department was created in 1999). Member of the inter-institutional commissions for the preparation of screening activities on Chapter 22 – Environment (1999) and of the Sub-Committee no.6 „Transport, energy and environment” (1998, 1999, 2000) and of other EU-Romania reunions.
2007 to present: Member of the National Integrity Council – the managerial coordinating body of the National Integrity Agency (ANI)
2002 to 2009 (one mandate). Member of the Romanian Delegation to the Permanent Court of Arbitration(PCA)
Main professional qualifications and diploma:
“Elena Cuza” High School of Craiova, bachelor in literature and history; Faculty of Law of The Bucharest University – graduate in law
Doctor in law (Ph.D) with a specialization in environmental law and civil law, supported by the AUF (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie) – Program “Allocation de Recherche” – The Romanian Academy, Legal Research Institute
Diploma of the Itinerant courses of the International Faculty of Comparative Law-Strasbourg, under the authority of the International Academy of Comparative Law, Paris, France
Structural trainee of the European Commission (DG Environment – International affairs and environment)
Graduate of continuous training programs( European law, Public policies of the Judiciary) of the National Institute of Magistracy
The World Bank – JUST-PAL („Justice Sector Peer-Assisted Learning”), Launching Conference and Network(as member), Athens (Greece) and The Hague(The Netherlands)
“Administration of Justice, from an organizational and policy perspective”, diploma – training courses, seminars and debates, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Justice of The Netherlands (MTEC/EVD)
Annex. A selection of the main books and studies published
„Civil liability for environmental damage” (Ed.Lumina Lex, Bucharest, 2003)
“Elements of civil law. General aspects and principles. Persons and real estate. Tort law and contracts (Ed.C.H.Beck, Bucharest, December 2012)
“Environmental law and sustainable development”, Ed.Universul Juridic, Bucharest, 2009
“Civil law: fundamental concepts, persons, real estate, tort law, contracts”. Compendium, Ed.Lumina Lex, Bucharest, 2004
“Constitutional law and contemporary political institutions”, co-author, Ed. Univers Juridic, Bucharest, 2005, 2006
“Constitutional litigation and Administrative and fiscal litigation”, university compendium, co-author, Ed. Pro Universitaria, Bucharest, 2006
“The innocence presumption and the constitutionality of certain procedural norms” (co-author), in Law Review “Dreptul”, no.5/1995, Bucharest
“Opportunity’ legality and the constitutional principle of the proportionality” (co-author), in Law Review “Dreptul”, no.7/1996, Bucharest
“La planification économique et l’environnement” (Co-author) part of the research paper “Quelles institutions de l’environnement pour le développement durable en Europe Centrale et de l’Est?”, published in vol. “Les obstacles institutionnelles a une articulation adéquate entre les politiques de protection de l’environnement et développement”, Coll. AUPELF-UREF (AUF) “Droit de l’environnement”, Université de Limoges, France, 1996
“Vers un droit de l’environnement urbain. Le rapport national roumain ». 2emes journées scientifiques du réseau thématique de recherche « Droit de l’environnement ». Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, Ed.Bruylant, Bruxelles, 1997.
“The approximation of the European acquis on chemicals” (co-author), in Law Review SDR of the RomanianAcademy, Bucharest, no.3-4/1998
« Juridical aspects related to the implementation of the environmental acquis in the Romanian legislation”, in Law Review SDR of the RomanianAcademy, Bucharest, no3-4/2000
“ Considération à l’égard de la législation roumaine réglementant le domaine des organismes modifies génétiquement », in Law Review “Studii de Drept Romanesc » (SDR) of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, no.3-4/2001
„La mise en oeuvre nationale du droit internationale de l’environnement dans les pays francophones. Le rapport national roumain” (co-author together with prof.dr M.Duţu and prof.dr.M.Uliescu),a volume coordinated by prof.Michel Prieur, AUF (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie), Ed.Pulim, Paris, 2003
“New perspectives of the implementation of precautionary principle within the European environmental law”, in vol. “Romanian Law and European Integration”, published by Romanian Academy – Legal Research Institute, Ed.Tempus, Bucharest, 2006
“Aspects regarding European legislation of wastes and its implementation”, (1st part), in Law Review “Studii de Drept Romanesc » (SDR) of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest,no.1-2/2007, (2nd part), in Law Review “Studii de Drept Romanesc » (SDR) of the RomanianAcademy, Bucharest,no.1-2/2008
“The implementation of the PR and Communication Strategy of the Romanian Judiciary. Main targets and future priorities”, „Justice in our days” Review– Superior Council of Magistracy Review, year II, no.3, Ed.Treira, Bucharest., 2008
“Climate changes. Recent developments of the legislation and jurisprudence on European and national level”, in vol. ”Romanian Law in the context of European exigencies”, published by the Legal Research Institute of the Romanian Academy, Ed.Hamangiu, Buc., 2010
“Legal tools for protecting the environment. A European perspective”, in vol.”The dynamics of the Romanian Law after EU accession”, published by the Legal Research Institute of the Romanian Academy, Ed.Universul Juridic, Buc., 2011
“The right to a proper environment. Evolution and legal guarantees”, in vol.”Justice, Rule of Law and Juridical culture”, published by the Legal Research Institute of the Romanian Academy, Ed.Universul Juridic, Buc., 2011
Membru aderent ARDAE – Asociatia romana de drept si afaceri europene din 21 ianuarie 2014