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Academic Interests

Pozdnakova works with EU law and competition law, especially competition problems in shipping. She has also worked with law of the sea and questions of jurisdiction in ship-source pollution cases.


EU Substantive Law (Responsible teacher)

EEA law

A Changing Arctic (International Summer School (UiO)

Higher education and employment history

Since 2013 Professor at the Center for European Law

September 2012 – 2013 Associate Professor at the Center for European Law.

Prior to that, Pozdnakova was a postdoctoral researcher at the Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law (2008-2012), a doctoral stipendiat at the Institute (2002-2007) and a lecturer in international commercial law at the Riga Graduate School of Law (2001-2005).

Pozdnakova obtained a law degree at the University of Latvia in 1999 and graduated with the degree of Master of European and International Law (LLM) from Riga Graduate School of Law in 2001. As a legal expert in the state department (1998-2000) and subsequently private practice, she worked with assignments within EU law, contract law, transport law, company law and immigration law.

In 2007 Pozdnakova obtained a dr.juris degree at the University of Oslo and defended her doctoral thesis “Liner Shipping: a competition law analysis” which was published by Kluwer Law International in 2008 with some minor changes.



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